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MAXIC product

Maxic Technology Incorporated is a high-tech design and sales company, focusing on the high-performance analog and digital-analog hybrid IC. Based on independent developed high voltage integrated process, Maxic provides wireless Soc IC, USB-C/PD fast charging IC, full range of LED drivers, signal chain IC and automotive electronics, etc. Covering communication terminal, consumer electronic, LED lighting, smart home, automobile manufacturing, industrial control and other fields. Maxic has an advanced and experienced core team in the design and process development of high-performance analog and digital-analog hybrid IC, and owns hundreds of domestic and international independent intellectual property rights of high voltage, high current, high power analog power management and digital circuit design. Besides, the ten technical support centers worldwide are set to provide fast and effective technical services. Moreover, Maxic has also qualified the quality and production management audit of domestic and international primary brand customers. Maxic has been recognized as an “IC Design Enterprise” and “Key Giant of MIIT” successively by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), and has also been recognized as “Beijing Specialized, Fined, Peculiar and Innovative Giant”. In addition, Maxic has also won various awards including “Beijing Science and Technology Award”, “Beijing’s High-grade, Precision and Advanced Industrial Design Center Award”, “Asian 100” by RED HERRING and many more, and has been widely acknowledged by the industry.

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  • 365 Kvalitātes nodrošināšanas dienas

    365 Kvalitātes nodrošināšanas dienas


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