WISOL is a venture capital company, established in 2008 and listed in 2010. Our DNA is the spirit of challenge and creativity. We have a clear goal: not just to survive, but to become world-class. We also understand that this is the most dangerous moment for dreams to come true. To achieve even greater dreams, we will move forward. I have great confidence in our technology and employees. With this belief, I guarantee that we will provide the best products and services with the utmost competitiveness.
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Mēs novērtējam jūsu iesaistīšanos Chipsmall produktos un pakalpojumos. Jūsu viedoklis mums ir svarīgs! Lūdzu, veltiet laiku, lai aizpildītu zemāk esošo veidlapu. Jūsu vērtīgās atsauksmes nodrošina, ka mēs konsekventi sniedzam izcilu servisu, ko esat pelnījis. Paldies, ka esat daļa no mūsu ceļa uz izcilību.